About The Slate

The Slate is a studio that gives actors a platform to advance their careers. Because our staff is primarily comprised of actors, we know what’s important to you: Working on quality projects, gaining visibility, strengthening your resume and IMDB page, and getting fulfillment from your work.

Welcome to The Slate.

Listed below are The Slate’s terms and conditions.


The Slate. provides a free thirty day trial membership.  After the 30-day trial has elapsed, Slate subscribers will begin their first month of membership, and will be billed accordingly.  If you wish to cancel your membership after signing up for our free trial, and need help, just reach out to us at hello@theslate.tv – otherwise, Slate users will always be able to end or restart their membership at any time.  

In order to keep billing very simple- The Slate only offers month-to-month billing, and doesn’t require multi-month memberships.  What we ask in return from our members however, is that each member is responsible for canceling their membership at any given time, without asking for a retroactive refund.

Quality of Service

Concerning the quality of the level of service we provide to our members, The Slate pledges to always keep an “inbox” open on most of our correspondences, as a way to empower members to alert us of any improvements that may need to be made to our service. Please know we take your feedback seriously.

Audition Privacy

To upload the Audition Videos, The Slate is using the YouTube APIs and we follow all the YouTube Terms of Service (ToS).