Initially, The Slate and Andy Greskoviak were supposed to partner to create four original narratives together. At the time, we knew of Andy’s work, and were quite aware that he’d penned the funny and original dark comedy Black Friday. But as The Slate and Andy began working together, we realized that Andy’s storytelling sensibilities represented the type of writing that we wanted The Slate to be known for more broadly- writing that was distinct, memorable, fearless, and quite often- fun.

So one day, right before recording an upcoming podcast, we asked Andy to become our next Creative Director.

As an artist that developed his comedic chops performing for The Second City and The Groundlings, as well as a filmmaker that definitely paid his creative dues writing specs and making shorts, Andy will draw upon his struggles coming up in the industry to make an earnest attempt to break down pretentious, artificial barriers in our industry, and instead, build an online community of actors, writers, and directors, coming together to discuss the films that we create in broad daylilght, together.

In addition to helping us Build The Slate, we’re also incredibly excited to shoot 4 of Andy’s stories this production season.

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